What We Do

We can help through Asset Recovery or Asset Management.

Asset Recovery

Asset Recovery is the process of recouping funds that have been spent out of a county budget for inmate healthcare.

Asset Management

Asset Management is a proactive method of saving county jails money on expensive inmate healthcare. We manage and process medical claims on the front end rather than on the back end.

Additional value we bring to the table


Time Savings

Hundreds of hours saved on handling claims that allow you to reallocate your time to areas more essential.



We are endlessly auditing and analyzing continuously to provide efficiency.



We provide clarity from our team of licensed insurance agents and our knowledge and experience of being a Third-Party Administrator.


Reduce Risk and Liability

Our legal team constantly stays abreast of the latest laws and regulations to keep our clients compliant.


Peace of Mind

We are a support system as an extension of your team that you can rely on.

Total Lifetime Customer Savings

$ 0

How to get started?

A FREE Analysis. We analyze the past 12 months of offsite medical claims.  We identify missed opportunities and recoup those funds that you have already spent.


No Problem! We have worked with numerous vendors and medical providers.

Great! We simply review and verify that you maximized your savings.

No, we do not perform collections from inmates.

What our Clients have to say

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